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Spanish Association for Sustainable Forestry (PEFC Spain)

PEFC Spain is a non-profit organisation, open to the participation of national or sectorial associations, forest producers, industrialists, traders, consumers or NGOs interested in sustainable forest management. PEFC Spain, established in 1999, is a founding member of the PEFC Council at international level. It has been promoting SFM of Spanish forests for more than 20 years, through the application of PEFC certification in Spain and promoting the value chain of all forest-based products by tracing them to the final consumer through chain of custody certification. PEFC Spain has worked on the development and implementation of the Spanish PEFC Forest Certification System, composed of the Spanish Technical Document and the UNE Standards for Sustainable Forest Management. It currently has more than 300 million ha certified worldwide and more than 20,000 companies. Nationally, more than 47,000 forest owners and managers have chosen the PEFC system to certify more than 2.5 million hectares and more than 1,600 companies add value to their products through the chain of custody.